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Stay in your lane!

We all have a particular race to run. We all have a unique and specific purpose. I don’t know what yours is but I do know what mine is! Hebrews 12:1 “Since we are surrounded by such a great cloud…

No payday without a work week!

As I consider all God’s doing in my life this morning I’m also thinking about all I had to go through to get here. Someone told me the other day how powerful my testimony was and I thought, “Glory to…

He’ll use you right there!

It’s Monday morning and I’m about to get back to the grind just like most of you. As I spoke with God this morning and asked to be used, of course I’d like to be out on the motorcycle, travelling…

The CR East Coast Summit was Incredible!

Celebrate Recovery East Coast Summit 2017 at World Outreach Center in Murfreesboro, TN was off the chain! Celebrate Recovery leaders and participants from all over the country came together for 3 days of worship, fellowship, testimony, and training. The CR…

And not even a scratch!

Wow! What a week it’s been, what a battle I’ve ridden through. Like I said, “through”. Since being saved back in 2007 I’ve lived a life of service, sacrifice, and sharing. Because of this lifestyle I’m constantly under attack. Kind…

“Hold your breath scared!”

This morning, as my life moves in to a new season, I began thinking back a couple years ago when I went para sailing with my granddaughter in Myrtle Beach. I remember her talking about it and me saying, sure,…

I sure miss my Momma!

What a difference this year has been. The first year of my life without my mother. For 53 years I enjoyed her smile, clung to her comfort, counted on her generosity, bathed in her kindness, and cherished her unconditional love…

Errr Body can’t go!

1st Samuel 30: 21-25 21 Then David came to the two hundred men who had been too exhausted to follow him and who were left behind at the Besor Valley. They came out to meet David and the men with…

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