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No payday without a work week!

As I consider all God’s doing in my life this morning I’m also thinking about all I had to go through to get here. Someone told me the other day how powerful my testimony was and I thought, “Glory to God but I sure wouldn’t want to go through all that again”.

Truly, all the mess of my past before I knew Christ was mostly painful however what I’m considering this morning is my life since being saved. The struggle is still real. I remember my first year of sobriety and how hard it was. I went through a horrible time of loneliness and I went after my recovery harder than I ever went after any drugs. I learned to take correction, which for an ex motorcycle club leader was tough. I surrounded myself with folks that were successful in their recovery and their Christianity and I did what they told me to do. 

While that first year built a foundation for the future I continue, 10 ½ years later to be at CR every week because I will always need to be there. The struggle is still real. Not with my addiction but with life!

In order to book a role on a tv show or in a movie there are hundreds of rejections, thousands of miles travelled, hours of classes, and many other sacrifices.

In order to be a business owner I work more hours in a week than most people do in 2 weeks. I take risks that impact my family. I don’t have a steady paycheck. I deal with sometimes difficult customers, employees, schedules, deadlines, suppliers, the government, and more.

In order to travel and share the Gospel my family has to be willing to sacrifice time with me. I endure miles of highway on my motorcycle in the heat, the cold, and the rain. I spend many nights in beds that aren’t my own. Have coffee with my wife by Facetime. I miss being at my home CR and home church. All the while keeping awareness out there about what God’s called me to do so that I can maintain support.

I continue to learn to be a friend, a brother, a father, a husband, a leader, and a minister. I spent most of my life as a failure at most of these so learning to be the man God intended me to be continues to be a process. I’m so grateful to be surrounded by folks that are patient and gracious with me. I’m certainly not where I want or need to be but praise God I’m not where I used to be!

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t want to paint a bleak picture of being a Christian I only want to be real and for others to understand that while I focus on the positive the struggle is real for all of us.

The truth is I “get” to be at CR every week for the rest of my life. I “get” to be in a movie or on a tv show now and then. I have more control over my life as a business owner. And I “get” to ride around the country on a motorcycle sharing the Good News! Wow, that’s living the dream! I can’t imagine a more satisfying life.

Keep in mind there is no victory without a battle. There is no payday without a work week. The struggle is real but the battle is worth it and if you’ll keep your eyes on Jesus victory is promised ………every single time. Proverbs 3:5&6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

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