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Guttermost to the Uttermost

What’s up my peeps! I’m just thinking this morning how I stay amazed by God’s goodness every day. I continue to watch His plan for my life unfold and as I look back and see the purpose in my pain, disappointments, failures, and what I thought were unanswered prayers, I have confidence in today and not so much what it holds but the fact that He holds it. I know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. God’s Word says it and hindsight proves it!

9 years ago I had a hard time getting off my block. I was homeless, had no vehicle, no money, and no hope. Today I have a beautiful wife and we live in a home we own, not 1 but 2 Harley Davidsons, money to pay the bills and employ others, and a ministry that allows me to share the hope I’ve found with others. Today I’m a Hope Dealer, a Seed Slinger, a Motorcycle Missionary! Today I realize that God has recycled my pain to use for His purpose and I get to do it on a motorcycle, yes, He has given me the desires of my heart. I’m working on my calendar for next year and this guy who couldn’t get off his block get’s to ride to Canada to share for Christ’s sake!

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