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You never know?

Isn’t it amazing when we realize that God introduced us to someone years earlier, in what we thought was a “chance” meeting, only to see years later that He had a divine purpose in the meeting. God works in relationship and I’m enjoying one of those cool memories/moments today. ’m headed to First Christian Celebrate Recovery in Mt Sterling, Ky this evening to share my testimony. This ministry is led by Kim and Scotty Halsey. Kim came on board the CR Southeast Team last year as a Kentucky State Rep. As I sent out a “welcome to the team” email she replied and told me we had met 3 years previous and taken a picture outside of a restaurant in Spartanburg, Ky. As soon as she shared the photo with me I remembered our meeting and even taking the picture. It was a meeting purposed by God. We were both attending the first Celebrate Recovery East Coast Summit however we met outside a restaurant miles from the church. Kim was a conference participant, one of around 3500, and I was serving as a State Rep. When we took the photo I never imagined that I’d see this woman again.

Last year, at the 4th East Coast Summit we served together as CR State Reps and today I’m blessed to be sharing my testimony with Kim’s group. A perfect example of what God tells us in Hebrews 13:2…..

”Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.”

We should always treat everyone we meet with respect and kindness. Keeping in mind that everyone is human and everyone is dealing with their own struggle on a daily basis. From the rude sales person at the checkout to that person that took your parking space………. Kindness isn’t just for those who are kind to us, it’s for everyone we meet. Who knows, three years from now you may need to cross the bridge you built today…….. or destroyed today! Something to chew on.

Now I don’t know that Kim’s an Angel, of course I don’t know that she’s not either, but I do know that I’m blessed to call her my sister! And yes, I’m so glad I was having a good day when I met her!


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