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What can you do for me?

I was studying in Matthew this morning and glanced over to where I empty my pockets after work on the corner of my desk. There were a couple of Harley Davidson poker chips, one from Vegas and another from Daytona, that friends recently brought me back from their vacations. I began to consider how blessed I am to have friends, real friends. People who don’t want something from me other than my friendship. People that think of me when they’re on their vacation.

I began to think about folks who I thought were my friends in the past. During my addiction these people were usually trying to distract me so they could steal something from me or hung out with me because they knew I either had something they wanted or would get something they wanted. Most of my life, before I came to know Christ, the people I called friends were really looking out for themselves.

Of course isn’t that what the world tells us. Look out for number 1, me! We see this not only in the world but in the church! Ouch! Pastors giving special treatment to the most generous givers. Religious folks looking down on others, “those people” who don’t have it all together. Storing up our treasure!

I’m not just casting stones because I’m very guilty of this behavior too. I want to know others who can help my company get good jobs, further my acting career, and those who’ll support my ministry. Looking inward is tough but necessary.

It’s important for my company to have work, it’s important for me to further my career, and it’s incredibly important for folks to support the ministry God has called me to. However what people can do for me should never be the defining factor in how I treat them.

Bottom line is I should love everyone and no one else’s behavior should dictate my behavior. I’m working on this. I’m thankful to recognize the truth and act on it. I’m not perfect however since I’ve come to know Christ I’m working on loving folks…. Period and I’m blessed to be surrounded and loved on by folks that are great examples of this.

Today I’m going to be kind to folks and expect nothing in return and tomorrow I’m gonna do it again!

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