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Free to be me!

I’ve just returned from a Missionary Trip. Two weeks and over 2000 miles on the motorcycle.

I rode through NC, SC, GA, and FL and encountered hopelessness and hope all along the way.

I was touched by the brave men at the Penfield Recovery Home where I was able to share the hope I’ve found. At the Tampa Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center where I encountered over 160 men fresh off the streets looking for a new start. At every CR ministry along the way, 6 of them, where folks were making amazing progress in their recoveries one day at time. Inspiring me, blessing me, encouraging me, and connecting with me.

While there were more ministry opportunities than I can count or possibly keep up with there was one moment, one lady, one opportunity to reach someone with some badly needed hope that I feel compelled to share about.

As three of us, on motorcycles pulled in to the Florida Welcome Center, just over the Florida, Georgia state line we got off our bikes to get a pic at the “Welcome to Florida” sign. As we went back to the bikes there was a young lady and her son, probably 5 years old, parked next to us. I noticed the son looking intently at our motorcycles. I asked her if he would like to sit on one, maybe take a pic. As the conversation continued I told her about Broken Chains, Celebrate Recovery, and gave her a Serenity Rag. Then I asked her if we could pray for her. At that moment she began to weep uncontrollably. Telling us about how she had had a horrible week, loading up her son and running away to Florida to get away from life.

What an amazing moment in time that I’ll never forget. It really hit me how God had set this all up. That’s right. You see, I left NC a day early to go to a CR in Valdosta, Ga that wasn’t on my original plan. I left in the cold rain, deciding to go rather than cancel the ride or take the van. I was on an unplanned route, at an unscheduled stop for 10 minutes and God used me, He used us to reach out and give this young woman some hope!

I see that if we would have been in a car, wearing regular clothes, or caught up in our own circumstance.  Even if we were Bible Scholars or theologians heading to a revival or church conference this moment would have never taken place. Because of our faithfulness and obedience God used us, on motorcycles, wearing leather, tatted up, with long hair, and beards to reach someone that otherwise would have not been reached.

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