A Motorcycle Missionary is a Christian Biker who uses the motorcycle lifestyle to break down barriers that keep people from knowing the freedom and hope that are available in Jesus Christ.
Motorcycle Missionary Covenant:
I am a Christian and I attend a specific church on a regular basis.
I will make myself available, visible, and a resource for the Body of Christ and will serve in any area as a volunteer when needed and available.
I will diligently tell others about the freedom and hope available in Jesus Christ.
I will pray for the health and growth of the Motorcycle Missionary organization.
I will remain current on my membership dues and when possible, give financial support on a regular basis.
I will squelch gossip and resolve conflict with the truth by applying Matthew 18:15-17 (NIV)
“If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over. But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘Every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.’ If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, treat him as you would a pagan or a tax Collector.”
I will be mindful of all my posts on all my Social Media platforms always keeping aligned with the Ministry/Mission field.
I will hold to the values of the Motorcycle Missionary organization which are: kindness, generosity, and authenticity.
I will conduct myself in a manner that represents Jesus Christ.
is $10 per month or $100 a year and will receive the Hope Dealer Book with their paid membership.
is $30 per month or $300 a year and will receive the Hope Dealer Book with their paid membership.
is $100 per month or $1,000 a year and will receive the Hope Dealer Book with their paid membership.
Corprate Sponosorship
Is $100 per month or $1,000 a year with this sponsorship you will receive Jeff’s book and a plaque in the mail. Your logo will also be placed on our emails and on our website sponsor page. We will mention your business twice a year on our social media.
Is $300 per month or $3,000 a year with this sponsorship you will receive all Classic benefits and two additional social media mentions bringing your total yearly to four times a year. In addition, your logo will be placed on the Motorcycle Missionary motorcycle trailer or on the back of the Motorcycle Missionary RV. The logos are updated quarterly on the trailer and RV and you will receive one full year of placement with sponsorship.
Is $1,000 per month or $10,000 a year with this sponsorship you will receive all Classic and 10 additional social media mentions bringing your total to 1 a month (12 total a year). In addition, your logo will be placed on the Motorcycle Missionary RV in a premium logo location. The logos are updated quarterly on the RV and you will receive one full year of placement with sponsorship.